


事情发生的经过: 这是仲夏, 联合国大会也离开了, 至少要到11月, when lawmakers could return for more action following the General Election.

单词释义: 对立法者, 现在是竞选季节, even if the traditional season and all the political ads won’t rev up until September. 为了365足彩下载, 除了立法委员会会议之外,它还有无数的琐事要做,比如规划2018年的城市愿景, 区域性基层会议, continuing to work on broadband access strategy, planning for advocacy goals and policy committee meetings, and planning for something of a relaunch of our 我们在这里成长 campaign (stay tuned).

利用: 更直接的, we will be releasing our End of Session Bulletin in coming days, 所以,请留意我们认为是一个很好的资源,可以一次又一次地用来参考2018年立法会议上发生的事情.

瘦子: 现在回到所有影响市政当局但不一定与立法有关的新闻. ​

到目前为止,你可能已经意识到N.C. 公用事业委员会就影响卡罗来纳州杜克能源公司(DEC)客户的费率案发布了一项命令。, which includes many cities and towns in the western half of the state. 这一命令将给市政当局带来实质性的好处,并使365足彩下载对委员会面前的一些问题进行干预. 我们对结果非常满意,委员会成员仔细和彻底地考虑了我们的论点. 同时, the order provides for more input from NCLM and its members going forward on a number fronts. 点击这里 浏览要点和详情.
RIght now, we need your help and your ideas. 在接下来的六个月内, DEC will be filing details regarding the proposed new time-of-use, critical peak pricing and other dynamic rate structures called for in the order. While many customers will be able to take advantage of these new rate structures, the League was the main intervenor to make the requests, so we want to ensure that what is proposed is of the most use and benefit to our members. NCLM还将继续参与电网现代化的利益相关者过程,并继续与DEC就照明问题进行会面.
请向365足彩下载立法和监管顾问Sarah Collins提供有关这些问题的任何意见 scollins@forosharrypotter.com.

365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶说 appeared on a segment of "In Focus with Loretta Boniti" recently to discuss issues municipalities face as North Carolina grows. On the 30-minute public affairs show from Spectrum News, 迈耶强调了全州各地市政当局正在经历的转机增长,并指出该州的大部分就业和零售销售都发生在我们的城镇内. 但挑战也随之而来,他补充道. “当然, cities are responsible for providing the infrastructure that fuels that growth, 正在决定如何扩大基础设施的民选官员必须有正确的工具——金融工具——才能做到这一点,迈耶说。. 他强调,地方政府和企业之间的良好关系也是关键. 在线观看完整版.
It also spotlighted Goldsboro's downtown approach to economic development. A revamped streetscape is a major piece of that, aided by a U.S. 交通运输投资促进经济复苏, 现在被称为BUILD, or Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development), as well as millions of dollars invested by the city. "That has definitely helped us in revitalization within our downtown area,詹妮弗·柯林斯, 城市规划助理主任, 在"焦点"环节中说. “那里的基础设施得到了改善,街景也得到了改善,商业也蓬勃发展."

戈尔兹伯勒市中心的回归, and what its local government did to bring it about, 是众多成功故事中的一个吗 我们在这里成长. 这是365足彩下载党独一无二的网站——所有365足彩下载党成员城市和城镇都应该成为其中的一部分——汇集了全州各地的地方经济发展成果,并为市政领导人提供了分享他们如何实现这些成就的工具. 戈尔兹伯勒, 我们在这里成长 captures how downtown has bloomed into a thriving and beautiful space designed for pedestrians and business success. "The success didn’t happen overnight," the 我们在这里成长 article points out. 它遵循了一长串聪明的, 当地的决策, 公共投资和资源的杠杆作用在很短的时间内为市中心带来了数百万美元的私人投资. 在这里我们成长.
在这里我们成长的故事直接来自你,你的参与是简单的,因为它是强大的. 突出: 
1) Simply log in and submit a brief article explaining the context, 当地政府帮助实现的任何经济发展项目的成功决策和细节.
2) Attached a photo (the larger, the better).
本周,美国财政部(Department of State Treasurer)发布了关于追踪建筑检查费用收入的新要求的指导意见. The guidance calls for affected local governments to begin tracking data on July 1, 尽管报告截止日期是6月30日, 2019. A 调度 issued by that department reads as follows:

“2018年预算案中的一个项目(S.L. 2018-5,第21部分,第162页)要求地方政府专门跟踪建筑物检查费用收入和该收入的支出. 各市和县将从6月30日的报告开始报告AFIR的收入和相关支出, 2019 (S.L. 2018-29,第4部分.5.(a) clarifies that this requirement goes into effect as of June 30, 2019). There will be a specific section on the AFIR for this information. Units should begin tracking this data as of July 1, 2018, in such a manner that will facilitate this reporting requirement at June 30.

"Please contact our staff with any questions at 919-814-4299."

The department also offered the following clarification: 

"While the language in the budget bill was not specific, 我们认为所指的检验费是根据G项授权收取的检验费.S. 153A-354的县或G.S. 160A-414市政当局. 这两项法案的措辞都将允许的费用支出限制在“为支持检查部门的行政和活动而发生的支出,不得用于其他目的”.' (G.S. 160A-414,相同的语言包含在G.S. 153A-354). 单独报告的一个目的是帮助核实资金是否按要求使用, 因此,我们感到放心,这些是在这个新要求下报告的唯一费用."

最近,期待已久的美国.S. 美国最高法院(Supreme Court)决定,州和地方政府可以对州外的在线零售商征收销售税,这引发了人们对下一步该怎么做的大量疑问. 全国城市365足彩下载(National League of Cities)即将举办的网络研讨会将探讨最高法院的意见, what state and local governments may do with it, 从联邦到地方的反应, and lobbying strategies that stakeholders may use. 网上注册 for the webinar, scheduled for July 12 at 1 p.m.

这并不是美国唯一的.S. Supreme Court case with ramifications for local government. 第二次网络研讨会由全国县协会主办,定于7月24日下午1点举行.m., will look at this Supreme Court term and what local leaders need to know, as told by legal experts and regulatory affairs reporter for The Hill Lydia Wheeler. 网上注册

汽车汽油税收入的下降导致北卡罗来纳州公共交通系统的资金减少, 根据本周的新闻报道. WUNC周四报道 N.C. Department of Transportation had notified 24 public transit systems about reduced revenues. 如故事中所述, 当地交通部门的负责人担心,这样的资金削减可能会让公众不太愿意选择公共交通工具, as those cuts may impact smooth and fast service. Decreased ridership would compound the problem. Chapel Hill's transit system is highlighted in the news story, 行政人员告诉媒体,该镇不得不从“急需的”替代公交基金中提取资金,以填补新的缺口. 在WUNC阅读完整的故事.

The League is accepting proposals for 2018-19 365体育足彩 Goals through Aug. 1. Discuss ideas with your municipal elected officials and staff, and 点击这里 为倡导目标提交你的想法. 每两年一次, 你们——北卡罗来纳州的城镇——为即将到来的立法两年期制定立法和监管目标. These goals serve as the guide to the League's advocacy efforts here in Raleigh. 不仅如此, they are a collective statement of the priorities of North Carolina municipalities, 大与小, 城市, 郊区和农村. 制定市政倡导目标的过程是每个市政当局在告诉州立法者和其他州决策者什么对他们来说是重要的方面有发言权的机会.

The advocacy goals also propel us towards two of the 愿景2030营运原则: (1) municipal governments exercise greater control of their revenues, 结构和功能, (2)市政府与其他各级政府和私营部门建立富有成效的伙伴关系.
立法 and regulatory goals should include a clear ask, and should have an impact on municipal governments statewide. 根据365足彩下载章程, 你必须在你的目标提案上注明它是否得到了当地议会或董事会的投票和批准. Proposals will be considered by NCLM policy committees, NCLM董事会, and the entire membership during the 365体育足彩 Goals Conference. The League may also request that you visit one of our 政策委员会​ to further explain your suggested goal, as a part of the goals selection process.
This is your policy process, so please give this thoughtful consideration and participate. Don’t miss this opportunity to submit your proposals by Aug. 1.